Green Electricity Sharing with Airports Neighbours


Brussels Airport is sharing its photovoltaic production with one hundred households from the four neighbouring municipalities neighbouring.  With this pilot project, in collaboration with the energy platform Bolt, Stargate aims to examine the viability of such a scheme on a small scale. 

Approximately 9,200 megawatt-hours of green energy is already being produced on-site at Brussels Airport using solar panels. In 2024, an additional 65,000 m² of solar panels, equivalent to about nine football fields, was added to the cargo zone. The airport aims to reach 27 MWp, generating approximately 24,000 megawatt-hours per year, by 2027. This aligns with Brussels Airport Company’s strategy as an airport operator to achieve net zero carbon emissions for its own operations by 2030.

Currently, all the energy produced by Brussels Airport Company can be consumed on-site, by the airport and by the companies installed around the tarmac. The airport operator expects some possible excess production once all the photovoltaic infrastructure is developed according to the stated ambitions. This pilot project aims to test the concrete feasibility of sharing this excess energy with the community around the airport.

In the next phase, the participants will be surveyed on the impact of this initiative on their view of an airport.


More information on Brussels Airport’s website.

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