Sister projects

Joining forces with sister EU Green Deal projects

The cooperation that characterises Stargate is also present across the various EU Green Deal projects for greener airports. On a regular basis, Stargate, TULIPS and OLGA work together to spread and realise their green ambitions. As it happens, both the consortia’s similarities and differences result in fruitful complementarity.


TULIPS stands for DemonsTrating lower pollUting soLutions for sustaInable airPorts acrosS Europe. This EU Green Deal project started in January 2022 and will last until December 2025. The TULIPS project focuses on developing innovations that facilitate the transition to low-carbon mobility and enhance sustainability at and around the airports. Under the leadership of Royal Schiphol Group, TULIPS aims to speed up and roll out sustainable technologies in aviation and significantly towards zero emissions and zero waste airports by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050.

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OLGA (hOListic Green Airport) project started on 1st October 2021 and was funded under the European Green Deal, which aims to reduce the environmental impact of the aviation sector. The OLGA project is coordinated by Group ADP, with Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport as a frontrunner. OLGA carries out major environmental innovations at airports and focuses on reducing the environmental footprint from passengers, airlines and neighbourhood perspectives.

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